Thursday, December 17, 2009

Coming home for Christmas!!

Well lots has changed so I though maybe I should get on here and update...

Jaime and I broke up about a month ago. It was needed and we are still good friends. She is up in MI with family and still plans to attend Basic and all of that soon. She took the dogs with her, it was prearranged when we got them that that is how it would be. I am going to take them while she is in basic and tech school so she won't have to worry about them.

As for me. I am doing awesome right now. Got to drive up to VA Beach for Thanksgiving and spend it with my sister, nephew, and bro in law. It was great to see them since they will not be able to make it home for christmas. My nephew is as cute as ever and I loved getting to know him with all his personality. I have seen him a lot on Oovoo but this was good cause it was in person so now I am not just some crazy person talking to him through a computer.

My life has been falling into order lately and it has been amazing. I just returned from the National Fastpitch Coaches Association convention and a class and it was AMAZING. I met some very cool people and learned stuff, which is really the point of it all :) and saw some Olympians in the process lol. On the side I have been very happy in my personal life as well, work is great because I love my job, talking to a new girl who is amazing (prob she is in Cali), I have been running a lot just hit 3.5 miles a night last night so that was great.

As for christmas, I get to go back to cali on the 25th to see my family and of course the new girl. I am really excited we will be going to san fran and tahoe and go snowmobiling and snowboarding! On the 30th I am coming to Utah to spend new years with friends and I am so excited for that. I am going to Logan on the 31st because I need to see lots of ppl up there so I am going to do my best to see everyone.

Well I think that is a good summary of everything! Sorry I was very behind doing that :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Update

Well I am lame at this lol.. I need to have Jaime do it, she is on top of stuff I am a slacker! We are going well out here. Excited for Halloween and hoping that we get lots of trickor treaters... My sister, her husband, and my cute little nephew came down to visit about a month ago and that was great. My lil Ace man is getting so big and so handsome, he was so much fun! We bought the boys Halloween customs and I will out up pictures one day ! HA! Our back yard looks great. We finally have all the sod down! YAY lol... Besides that we are thinking about painting some walls in our house and adding some color! Spicing it up! Well I will follow up with pictures but out for now!
Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Patio Furniture!

We got new patio furniture!!! We are very excited, we got the dogs small fence up to keep them off the patio, the pavers/patio finished and even put stepping stones in the grass!! We are getting really organized finally and it is awesome. So we are ready for visitors!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


So yesterday Jaime was looking over our fence in the back yard and saw an alligator in the pond behind our house. Today they guy came to catch the alligator and we got to not only see him catch it but hold him!! He was about 4 ft and about 4 years old and another gator had bit his tail crazy!!

catching the gator


Taping his mouth
Holding him!!

She was a little nervous but still brave :)

our new tree
boys sid of the yard
the alligator in the pond behind our house
tucker using the new tree!!
The pond behind our house
both our tees and our newly stained picnic table
part of our yard
one tree :)
the new fence to keep the boys out of our part of the yard
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

been a while...

Well per Cam's comment I thought I would update this thing. I have been really busy with recruiting this summer. I was in CO for a week and that was crazy but at the same time it was good. I got to see my parents and my little sister Mel. I even got to see her play a little softball, she's a stud.. I have also recruited in Kissimmee FL and Atlanta GA and right now working a camp in Anderson SC... So I have been all over. Jaime has also been very busy. She has been working toward getting into the Air Force Reserves for a while now. She took took her test and got a 71 on the ASVAB.. I think that is it lol she only needed like a 31 and she royally killed it.. she will probably be sent off to basic training around September :( It sucks she will be gone but it is a great oppertunity for her and she will only be gone for 3-4 months.. only.. ugh... The dogs are normal and so is the house.. nothing new because we have no money lol ... well I think that is it for now ....