Saturday, November 22, 2008


well here we go... it's a week from thanksgiving and Jaime and I are driving to her families house and we are cooking. I am excited cause I usually cook for my friends so at least I still get to cook this year. Our boys are getting big. Jaime took them to the vet today and tucker was about 20 lbs and joe about 26. The are getting more fun as they are not peeing in the house as much thankfully but I know they will like it more when we have a fence and they can be outside more. Jaime talked the local workers who put sod down in our sub division at the new houses to give us the extra sod that they dont use so we should get our backyard sodded for free slowly now :) I will be heading to Utah to visit in 2 weeks.. I am excited to see my friends and play in the snow... Georgia is so different.. It took me and JAime about 3 months to even find a really goor restuarant here.. oh well.. I like my job things are still going well just office work till Jan. now and that is boring but oh well...

As for Jaime's job... the guy she was working with was sexually harassing her and I made her resign.. Now she is going through a ton of steps to make this guy pay.. She just took everything to the EECO and they will be serving him in the next 10 days and maybe we will settle outside of court but that wont be for a while.. I'll keep everyone updated on that. besides that we are good.. We are happy and excited to see family soon..


Quela said...

Definitely call me when you get to Utah!

Mindy Neal said...

What the heck is up with the sexual harrasment. I can't believe that!! Well tell Jamie to sock it to him

Hess Family said...

Well if Jamie was so darn cute the guys wouldn't be after her!! I am glad you are making him pay for it though. I hate dirty scum-bags like that. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!!!!